Our husbandry system
Quality assurance measures in farming systems at Delimpex are certified by ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004 and can be assured by GFP (Good Farming Practice). ISO 9001 relates to quality management while ISO 14001 relates to environmental management and environmental pollution.
Good Farming Practice (GFP)
GFP tests the following factors of animal husbandry at Delimpex:
- Technology – Are the pens in good order, no danger of injury for animals and humans, are all necessary materials provided for animals etc.
- Animal welfare – Number of animals per pen, animal health and animal welfare etc.
- Light – Satisfactory natural light for animals
- Ventilation – Satisfactory and adequate ventilation in pens
- Feed – Automatic feeding has to be provided at all times
- Water – Water in proper quality and quantity in pens